About Me

Hey there, I’m Chris!

I work on internal Data & Analytics @ DeepMind, an AI research company best known for our research on Deep Reinforcement Learning, with notable breakthroughs such as DQN, AlphaGo, AlphaStar, and AlphaFold.

I’m passionate about using data (qualitative and quantitative) to describe the world, and inform decisions that we make as individuals, organisations, and societies. Ultimately my hope is that AI provides us with increasingly powerful inductive biases to accurately model the world’s abundant complexity and inform policies for collective good.

In a previous life, I spent some time at the consulting firm Bain & Co where I ‘leveraged’ my irrational love for Excel. Before that I studied social anthropology at St John’s College, Cambridge, with a particular interest in how social forces shape personal ethics.

A smattering of my side interests include Manchester City FC, photography, classical guitar (especially the work of Francisco Tárrega), and the DPRK.

Enthusiastic supporter of @Pres_Bartlet 2020.

If you’d like to get in touch, feel free to email me at { chris dot watkins 93 @gmail.com }.